Source code for ptrail.GUI.handler

    This class is used to connect the PTRAIL GUI to PTRAIL
    backend. All the GUI's functionalities are handled in this

    | Authors: Yaksh J Haranwala, Salman Haidri
from distutils import util
import random
import re

import folium
import inspect
import pandas as pd

# GUI Imports.
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtWebEngineWidgets, QtGui, QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from ptrail.GUI.Table import TableModel
from ptrail.GUI.InputDialog import InputDialog
from ptrail.GUI.SearchableComboBox import SearchableComboBox

# Backend.
from ptrail.core.TrajectoryDF import PTRAILDataFrame
import ptrail.utilities.constants as const
from ptrail.features.kinematic_features import KinematicFeatures
from ptrail.features.temporal_features import TemporalFeatures
from ptrail.preprocessing.statistics import Statistics
from ptrail.preprocessing.filters import Filters
from ptrail.preprocessing.interpolation import Interpolation

# Statistics imports.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar
from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif

[docs]class GuiHandler:
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, window): self.generateStats = False self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn = False self.statCanvas = None self.statFigure = None self.featureCanvas = None self.featureFigure = None = None self.traj_id_list = None = None self._window = window self._data = None self._map_data = None self._model = None self._table = None self.display_df(filename=filename)
[docs] def display_df(self, filename): """ Display the DataFrame on the DFPane of the GUI. Parameters ---------- filename: str The name of the file. This is obtained from the GUI. Raises ------ AttributeError: If the user gives incorrect column names, then we ask the user to enter them again. """ # try: self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Loading the Dataset...") # First, we clear out the DF pane area. # This is done in order to make sure that 2 dataframes # are not loaded simultaneously making the view cluttered. for i in reversed(range(self._window.DFPane.count())): item = self._window.DFPane.itemAt(i) if isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QTableView): item.widget().close() # remove the item from layout self._window.DFPane.removeItem(item) col_names = self._get_input_params(labels=['Trajectory ID: ', 'DateTime: ', 'Latitude: ', 'Longitude: '], title="Enter Column Names", placeHolder=['Name of Identifier column', 'Name of Timestamp column', 'Name of Latitude column', 'Name of Longitude column']) if col_names is not None and col_names[0] != '' and len(col_names) == 4: # Read the data into a PTRAIL dataframe. self._data = PTRAILDataFrame(data_set=pd.read_csv(filename), traj_id=col_names[0].strip(), datetime=col_names[1].strip(), latitude=col_names[2].strip(), longitude=col_names[3].strip()) self._map_data = self._data # Set the table model and display the dataframe. self._table = QtWidgets.QTableView() # NOTE: whenever we update DFs, make sure to send the data after resetting # index and setting inplace as False. self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model) self._window.add_df_controller() self._window.DFPane.addWidget(self._table) self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Dataset Loaded Successfully.") # Get all the unique trajectory ids. ids_ = list(self._data.reset_index()['traj_id'].value_counts().keys()) # Initiate the map placeholder. = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView() # Create the drop-down list for ID selection. self.traj_id_list = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.traj_id_list.setFont(QtGui.QFont('Tahoma', 12)) self.traj_id_list.addItems(ids_) # Add the ability to filter the items in the QComboBox. self.traj_id_list.setEditable(True) self.traj_id_list.setInsertPolicy(QtWidgets.QComboBox.NoInsert) self.traj_id_list.completer().setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.traj_id_list.completer().setCompletionMode(QtWidgets.QCompleter.PopupCompletion) # Add the drop-down and the map pane to the area. self._window.MapPane.addWidget(self.traj_id_list) self._window.MapPane.addWidget( # Actually draw the map. to_plot = self._map_data.reset_index().loc[self._map_data.reset_index()['traj_id'] == self.traj_id_list.currentText()] self._window.open_btn.deleteLater() self._draw_map(to_plot) self.draw_stats() self.add_column_drop_widget() self._window.runStatsBtn.setEnabled(True) else: self._window.open_file()
# except AttributeError or ValueError or TypeError: # msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() # msg.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) # msg.setWindowTitle("Incorrect Column names") # msg.setText("Incorrect Column names provided.\n" # "Please Enter the names again.") # msg.exec() # self.__init__(filename, self._window) def _draw_map(self, to_plot):'') # This is the colorblind palette taken from seaborn. colors = ['#0173b2', '#de8f05', '#029e73', '#d55e00', '#cc78bc', '#ca9161', '#fbafe4', '#949494', '#ece133', '#56b4e9'] sw = to_plot[['lat', 'lon']].min().values.tolist() ne = to_plot[['lat', 'lon']].max().values.tolist() # Create a map with the initial point. map_ = folium.Map(location=(to_plot[const.LAT].iloc[0], to_plot[const.LONG].iloc[0]), zoom_start=13, tiles='CartoDB positron') # Then, create (lat, lon) pairs for the data points. locations = [] for j in range(len(to_plot)): locations.append((to_plot['lat'].iloc[j], to_plot['lon'].iloc[j])) # Create text frame. iframe = folium.IFrame(f'<font size="1px">Trajectory ID: {self.traj_id_list.currentText()} ' + '<br>' + f'Latitude: {locations[0][0]}' + '<br>' + f'Longitude: {locations[0][1]} </font>') # Create start and end markers for the trajectory. popup = folium.Popup(iframe, min_width=180, max_width=200, max_height=75) folium.Marker([to_plot['lat'].iloc[0], to_plot['lon'].iloc[0]], color='green', popup=popup, marker_color='green', icon=folium.Icon(icon_color='green', icon='play', prefix='fa')).add_to(map_) # Create text frame. iframe = folium.IFrame(f'<font size="1px">Trajectory ID: {self.traj_id_list.currentText()} ' + '<br>' + f'Latitude: {locations[-1][0]}' + '<br>' + f'Longitude: {locations[-1][1]} </font>') # Create start and end markers for the trajectory. popup = folium.Popup(iframe, min_width=180, max_width=200, max_height=75) folium.Marker([to_plot['lat'].iloc[-1], to_plot['lon'].iloc[-1]], color='red', popup=popup, marker_color='red', icon=folium.Icon(icon_color='red', icon='stop', prefix='fa')).add_to(map_) # Add trajectory to map. folium.PolyLine(locations, color=colors[random.randint(0, len(colors) - 1)], ).add_to(map_) map_.fit_bounds([sw, ne]) self.traj_id_list.currentIndexChanged.connect(lambda: self.redraw_map())
[docs] def redraw_map(self): """ Redraw the map when the traj_id is changed from the DropDown list. """ # Check whether the QComboBox is empty or not. If so, don't redraw. # NOTE: This is done specifically to handle the case of filtering where # some trajectories might be filtered out, and we have to update the # id selection list. if self.traj_id_list.currentText() and self.traj_id_list.currentText() != '' and len(self._data) > 0: to_plot = self._map_data.reset_index().loc[ self._map_data.reset_index()['traj_id'] == self.traj_id_list.currentText()] self._draw_map(to_plot) if self.generateStats: self.redraw_stat()
[docs] def draw_stats(self): """ Handle the objects of the statistics pane from here. """ # Create the Stat Selection Drop down button. self._window.selectStatDropdown = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self._window.selectStatDropdown.currentIndexChanged.connect(lambda: self.redraw_stat()) self._window.selectStatDropdown.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Tahoma", 12)) # Create the matplotlib figure and axis for stats. self.statFigure = plt.figure() self.statCanvas = FigureCanvas(self.statFigure) self.statCanvas.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored) ) # Create the matplotlib figure and axis for feature importance. self.featureFigure = plt.figure() self.featureCanvas = FigureCanvas(self.featureFigure) self.featureCanvas.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored) ) # Add the figure and canvas to a new layout and finally add the layout to the StatsPane. self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Generate Feature Importance") self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.generate_feature_imp_plot()) self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Tahoma", 12)) self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn.setEnabled(False) new_draw_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() new_draw_layout.addWidget(self._window.selectStatDropdown) new_draw_layout.addWidget(self.statCanvas) new_draw_layout.addWidget(self.featureCanvas) new_draw_layout.addWidget(self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn) self._window.StatsPane.addLayout(new_draw_layout)
[docs] def generate_feature_imp_plot(self): """ Take the input from the user and draw the mutual info plot. """ try: args = self._get_input_params(['Class-Label Column', 'Number of Features', 'Segment Based'], title="Enter Classification Target column name", placeHolder=['Classification target column name', 'Number Features Wanted', 'True/False']) if args: feat, importance = None, None # If the user wants mutual info for point-based data, use the if-block. # For segment-based data, the else block is used. if not bool(util.strtobool(args[2].strip())): # Generate the features and drop duplicate cols. df = KinematicFeatures.generate_kinematic_features(self._data).dropna() df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.duplicated()] df = df[[ 'lat', 'lon', 'Distance', 'Distance_from_start', 'Speed', 'Acceleration', 'Jerk', 'Bearing', 'Bearing_Rate', 'Rate_of_bearing_rate', args[0] ]] Y = df[args[0].strip()] df = df.drop(columns=[args[0]]) else: df = Statistics.generate_kinematic_stats(self._data, args[0], False) df = Statistics.pivot_stats_df(df, args[0], False) df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.duplicated()] Y = df[[args[0].strip()]] df = df.drop(columns=[args[0]]) # Check whether the number of features that the user asked is lesser # than actual number of features. num_features = int(args[1]) if len(df.columns) > int(args[1]) else len(df.columns) # Predict the mutual info. importance = mutual_info_classif(df, Y) feat = pd.Series(importance, df.columns).sort_values(ascending=False) feat = feat[0: num_features] # Plot the bar plots to the tool. self.featureFigure.clear() ax = self.featureFigure.add_subplot(111) feat.plot(kind='barh', color='skyblue', ax=ax) ax.set_title("Classification Feature Importance") ax.set_xlabel("Mutual Info") self.featureFigure.tight_layout() self.featureCanvas.draw() self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn.setText("Refresh Importance") except: msg = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setWindowTitle("Not a classification problem") msg.setText("Feature importance is only shown for datasets that have a " "target column.") msg.exec()
[docs] def redraw_stat(self): """ Redraw the statistics plot when the user changes the option from the Dropdown menu. """ selected_stat = self._window.selectStatDropdown.currentText() stat_data = self._data.describe(percentiles=[0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9]) colors = sns.color_palette('tab10') # Get the necessary stats out. percent_10 = stat_data[selected_stat]['10%'] percent_25 = stat_data[selected_stat]['25%'] percent_50 = stat_data[selected_stat]['50%'] percent_75 = stat_data[selected_stat]['75%'] percent_90 = stat_data[selected_stat]['90%'] avg = stat_data[selected_stat]['mean'] # Clear the figure and add an axes to it. self.statFigure.clear() ax = self.statFigure.add_subplot(111) # Attributes for the plot. text = ['10%', '25%', 'Median', '75%', '90%', 'Mean'] horizontal_lines = [percent_10, percent_25, percent_50, percent_75, percent_90, avg] # Plot the line-plot and the stat lines. one_animal = self._data.reset_index().loc[self._data.reset_index()['traj_id'] == self.traj_id_list.currentText()] sns.lineplot(data=one_animal.reset_index(), x='DateTime', y=selected_stat, ax=ax, color='skyblue') for i in range(len(horizontal_lines)): ax.axhline(horizontal_lines[i], c=colors[i], linestyle='--', label=text[i]) # Add the legend, rotate the ticks, set tight layout and draw it on the canvas. ax.legend(loc='upper right') plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") self.statFigure.tight_layout() self.statCanvas.draw()
[docs] def add_column_drop_widget(self): """ Add a List Widget to drop columns from the dataset. This widget is added to the CommandPalette. Note ---- It is to be noted that the following columns are mandatory for PTrailDataFrame: | 1. traj_id | 2. DateTime | 3. lat | 4. lon Hence, these columns are not presented as options for deletion. """ # A layout for containing the drop column setup. small_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # Create the list widget and add the options. self._window.dropColumnWidget = QtWidgets.QListWidget() self._window.dropColumnWidget.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self._window.dropColumnWidget.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Tahoma", 12)) self._window.dropColumnWidget.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Ignored)) to_add = list(self._data.columns) to_add.remove('lat') to_add.remove('lon') self._window.dropColumnWidget.addItems(to_add) small_layout.addWidget(self._window.dropColumnWidget) # Add the button to drop the column. self._window.dropColumnBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Drop Column(s)") self._window.dropColumnBtn.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Tahoma", 12)) self._window.dropColumnBtn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.drop_col()) small_layout.addWidget(self._window.dropColumnBtn) # Add the VBoxLayout to the Command Palette. self._window.CommandPalette.addLayout(small_layout)
[docs] def run_command(self): """ When the user pushes the Run button, run the user's selected function on the dataset. Returns ------- None """ if self._window.featureType.currentIndex() == 0: self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Running Filters ...") self._run_filters() elif self._window.featureType.currentIndex() == 1: self.generateStats = False self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Running Interpolation ...") self._run_ip() elif self._window.featureType.currentIndex() == 2: self.generateStats = True self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Running Kinematic Features ...") self._run_kinematic() elif self._window.featureType.currentIndex() == 3: self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Running Statistics ...") self._run_stats() else: self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Running Temporal Features ...") self._run_temporal() self.update_dropCol_options()
def _run_ip(self): """ Helper function for running the Interpolation commands from the GUI. Returns ------- None """ selected_function = self._window.featureListWidget.selectedItems()[0].text() if selected_function == 'Linear Interpolation': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Interpolation.interpolate_position).args params.remove('dataframe') params.remove('ip_type') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Sampling rate (in seconds)', 'Name of the column that contains class label (Leave empty if ' 'none)']) if args: self._data = Interpolation.interpolate_position(dataframe=self._data, ip_type='linear', sampling_rate=float(args[0].strip()), class_label_col=args[1].strip()) elif selected_function == 'Cubic Interpolation': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Interpolation.interpolate_position).args params.remove('dataframe') params.remove('ip_type') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Sampling rate (in seconds)', 'Name of the column that contains class label (Leave empty if ' 'none)'] ) if args: self._data = Interpolation.interpolate_position(dataframe=self._data, ip_type='cubic', sampling_rate=float(args[0].strip()), class_label_col=args[1].strip()) elif selected_function == 'Kinematic Interpolation': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Interpolation.interpolate_position).args params.remove('dataframe') params.remove('ip_type') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Sampling rate (in seconds)', 'Name of the column that contains class label (Leave empty if ' 'none)']) if args: self._data = Interpolation.interpolate_position(dataframe=self._data, ip_type='kinematic', sampling_rate=float(args[0].strip()), class_label_col=args[1].strip()) elif selected_function == 'Random-Walk Interpolation': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Interpolation.interpolate_position).args params.remove('dataframe') params.remove('ip_type') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Sampling rate (in seconds)', 'Name of the column that contains class label (Leave empty if ' 'none)'] ) if args: self._data = Interpolation.interpolate_position(dataframe=self._data, ip_type='random_walk', sampling_rate=float(args[0].strip()), class_label_col=args[1].strip()) self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Task Done ...") # Finally, update the GUI with the updated DF received from the # function results. DO NOT FORGET THE reset_index(inplace=False). self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model) # Also, update the map. self._map_data = self._data self._window.selectStatDropdown.blockSignals(True) self._window.selectStatDropdown.clear() self.statFigure.clear() self.statCanvas.draw() self._window.selectStatDropdown.blockSignals(False) self.redraw_map() def _run_kinematic(self): """ Helper function for running the Kinematic commands from the GUI. Returns ------- None """ selected_function = self._window.featureListWidget.selectedItems()[0].text() # Based on the function selected by the user and whether it contains any # user given parameters, we will go ahead and run those features and update # the GUI with the results. if selected_function == 'All Kinematic Features': self._data = KinematicFeatures.generate_kinematic_features(self._data) self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Done ...") # Update the select-stats dropdown. self._window.selectStatDropdown.blockSignals(True) self._window.selectStatDropdown.clear() self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems([ 'Distance', 'Distance_from_start', 'Speed', 'Acceleration', 'Jerk', 'Bearing', 'Bearing_Rate', 'Rate_of_bearing_rate', ]) self.generateFeatureImportanceBtn.setEnabled(True) self._window.selectStatDropdown.blockSignals(False) elif selected_function == 'Distance': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_distance_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Distance']) elif selected_function == 'Distance from Start': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_distance_from_start_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Distance_from_start']) elif selected_function == 'Point within Range': params = inspect.getfullargspec(KinematicFeatures.create_point_within_range_column).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Coordinates (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)', 'Max distance from coordinates (metres)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: # Use Regex to get all the digits from the coords input and convert # it to required tuple to feed into the method. temp = re.findall(r'\d+', args[0].strip()) coords = tuple(map(int, temp)) dist_range = float(args[1].strip()) self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_point_within_range_column(self._data, coordinates=coords, dist_range=dist_range) elif selected_function == 'Distance from Co-ordinates': params = inspect.getfullargspec(KinematicFeatures.create_distance_from_point_column).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Coordinates (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: # Use Regex to get all the digits from the coords input and convert # it to required tuple to feed into the method. temp = re.findall(r'\d+', args[0].strip()) coords = tuple(map(int, temp)) self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_distance_from_point_column(dataframe=self._data, coordinates=coords) elif selected_function == 'Speed': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_speed_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Speed']) elif selected_function == 'Acceleration': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_acceleration_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Acceleration']) elif selected_function == 'Jerk': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_jerk_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Jerk']) elif selected_function == 'Bearing': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_bearing_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Bearing']) elif selected_function == 'Bearing Rate': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_bearing_rate_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Bearing_Rate']) elif selected_function == 'Rate of Bearing Rate': self._data = KinematicFeatures.create_rate_of_br_column(self._data) self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(['Rate_of_bearing_rate']) # Redraw the stats panel. self.redraw_stat() # Finally, update the GUI with the updated DF received from the # function results. DO NOT FORGET THE reset_index(inplace=False). self._map_data = self._data self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Task Done ...") self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model) def _run_temporal(self): """ Helper function for running the Temporal commands from the GUI. Returns ------- None """ selected_function = self._window.featureListWidget.selectedItems()[0].text() if selected_function == "All Temporal Features": self._data = TemporalFeatures.generate_temporal_features(self._data) elif selected_function == "Date": self._data = TemporalFeatures.create_date_column(self._data) elif selected_function == "Time": self._data = TemporalFeatures.create_time_column(self._data) elif selected_function == "Day of the Week": self._data = TemporalFeatures.create_day_of_week_column(self._data) elif selected_function == "Weekend Indicator": self._data = TemporalFeatures.create_weekend_indicator_column(self._data) elif selected_function == "Time of Day": self._data = TemporalFeatures.create_time_of_day_column(self._data) # Finally, update the GUI with the updated DF received from the # function results. DO NOT FORGET THE reset_index(inplace=False). self._map_data = self._data self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Task Done ...") self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model) def _run_filters(self): """ Helper function for running the Filter commands from the GUI. Returns ------- None """ selected_function = self._window.featureListWidget.selectedItems()[0].text() if selected_function == 'Hampel Filter': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.hampel_outlier_detection).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Filter by Metric (Enter Column Name)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.hampel_outlier_detection(dataframe=self._data, column_name=args[0].strip()) elif selected_function == 'Remove Duplicates': self._data = Filters.remove_duplicates(self._data) elif selected_function == 'By Trajectory ID': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_traj_id).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Trajectory ID']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_traj_id(dataframe=self._data, traj_id=args[0].strip()) elif selected_function == 'By Bounding Box': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_bounding_box).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=["lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2", "Points inside the bounding box? (True/False)"]) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: temp = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", args[0]) coords = tuple(map(float, temp)) self._data = Filters.filter_by_bounding_box(dataframe=self._data, bounding_box=coords, inside=(bool(util.strtobool(args[1].strip())))) elif selected_function == 'By Date': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_date).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=["YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD"]) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: if args[0] == '': self._data = Filters.filter_by_date(dataframe=self._data, end_date=args[1].strip()) elif args[1] == '': self._data = Filters.filter_by_date(dataframe=self._data, start_date=args[0].strip()) else: self._data = Filters.filter_by_date(dataframe=self._data, start_date=args[0].strip(), end_date=args[1].strip()) elif selected_function == 'By DateTime': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_datetime).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: if args[0] == '': self._data = Filters.filter_by_datetime(dataframe=self._data, end_dateTime=args[1].strip()) elif args[1] == '': self._data = Filters.filter_by_datetime(dataframe=self._data, start_dateTime=args[0].strip()) else: self._data = Filters.filter_by_datetime(dataframe=self._data, start_dateTime=args[0].strip(), end_dateTime=args[1].strip()) elif selected_function == 'By Maximum Speed': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_max_speed).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Maximum speed between consecutive points (metres/second)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_max_speed(dataframe=self._data, max_speed=float(args[0].strip())) elif selected_function == 'By Minimum Speed': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_min_speed).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Minimum speed between consecutive points (metres/second)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_min_speed(dataframe=self._data, min_speed=float(args[0].strip())) elif selected_function == 'By Minimum Consecutive Distance': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_min_consecutive_distance).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Minimum Distance between 2 points (metres)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_min_consecutive_distance(dataframe=self._data, min_distance=float(args[0].strip())) elif selected_function == 'By Maximum Consecutive Distance': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_max_consecutive_distance).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Max Distance between 2 points (metres)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_max_consecutive_distance(dataframe=self._data, max_distance=float(args[0].strip())) elif selected_function == 'By Maximum Distance and Speed': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_max_distance_and_speed).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Max Distance (metres)', 'Max Speed (metres/second)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_max_distance_and_speed(dataframe=self._data, max_distance=float(args[0].strip()), max_speed=float(args[1].strip())) elif selected_function == 'By Minimum Distance and Speed': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.filter_by_min_distance_and_speed).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Minimum Distance (metres)', 'Minimum Speed (metres/second)']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.filter_by_min_distance_and_speed(dataframe=self._data, min_distance=float(args[0].strip()), min_speed=float(args[1].strip())) elif selected_function == 'Remove Outliers by Consecutive Distance': self._data = Filters.filter_outliers_by_consecutive_distance(dataframe=self._data) elif selected_function == 'Remove Outliers by Consecutive Speed': self._data = Filters.filter_outliers_by_consecutive_speed(dataframe=self._data) elif selected_function == 'Remove Trajectories with Less Points': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Filters.remove_trajectories_with_less_points).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Number of Minimum points in the trajectory to avoid removal']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Filters.remove_trajectories_with_less_points(dataframe=self._data, num_min_points=int(args[0].strip())) # Update the traj_id list in case if some trajectories have been completely # removed. self._map_data = self._data self.traj_id_list.clear() self.traj_id_list.addItems(list(self._data.reset_index()['traj_id'].value_counts().keys())) # Finally, update the GUI with the updated DF received from the # function results. DO NOT FORGET THE reset_index(inplace=False). self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Task Done ...") self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model) def _run_stats(self): """ Helper function for running the Statistical commands from the GUI. Returns ------- None """ selected_function = self._window.featureListWidget.selectedItems()[0].text() if selected_function == 'Segment Trajectories': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Statistics.segment_traj_by_days).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Duration of each segment in days']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Statistics.segment_traj_by_days(dataframe=self._data, num_days=int(args[0].strip())) self._map_data = self._data elif selected_function == 'Generate Kinematic Statistics': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Statistics.generate_kinematic_stats).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Class-label column name', 'Is the trajectory segmented?']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Statistics.generate_kinematic_stats(dataframe=self._data, target_col_name=args[0].strip(), segmented=bool(util.strtobool(args[1].strip()))) elif selected_function == 'Pivot Statistics DF': params = inspect.getfullargspec(Statistics.pivot_stats_df).args params.remove('dataframe') args = self._get_input_params(params, title="Enter Parameters", placeHolder=['Class-label column name', 'Is the trajectory segmented?']) # If the user provided the input params, then run the function, else # wait for the user to play their part. if args: self._data = Statistics.pivot_stats_df(dataframe=self._data, target_col_name=args[0].strip(), segmented=bool(util.strtobool(args[1].strip()))) # Finally, update the GUI with the updated DF received from the # function results. DO NOT FORGET THE reset_index(inplace=False). self._window.statusBar.showMessage("Task Done ...") self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model) def _get_input_params(self, labels, title, placeHolder): """ Take the input parameters for the function in question from the user. Parameters ---------- labels: list The name of the parameters. title: str The title of the input dialog box. placeHolder: list Default text for each QLineEdit. Returns ------- list: A list containing the user input. """ input_dialog = InputDialog(parent=self._window, labels=labels, title=title, placeHolders=placeHolder) if input_dialog.exec_(): args = input_dialog.getInputs() return args
[docs] def update_dropCol_options(self): """ Update the options in the QListWidget for dropping the columns. """ try: self._window.dropColumnWidget.clear() toAdd = list(self._data.columns) toAdd.remove('lat') toAdd.remove('lon') self._window.dropColumnWidget.addItems(toAdd) except ValueError: self._window.dropColumnWidget.clear() toAdd = list(self._data.columns) self._window.dropColumnWidget.addItems(toAdd)
[docs] def drop_col(self): """ Drop the columns based on the user selection. """ # Get the selected items and then create a list # of the column names to drop. items = self._window.dropColumnWidget.selectedItems() to_drop = list() for it in items: to_drop.append(it.text()) # Now, whenever we drop a column related to one of the stats, # then we go ahead and remove that option from the stats selection # panel as well. all_stat_items = [self._window.selectStatDropdown.itemText(i) for i in range(self._window.selectStatDropdown.count())] for val in to_drop: if val in all_stat_items: all_stat_items.remove(val) # Make sure to block this signal before clearing and unblock # after adding new options :). self._window.selectStatDropdown.blockSignals(True) self._window.selectStatDropdown.clear() self._window.selectStatDropdown.addItems(all_stat_items) self._window.selectStatDropdown.blockSignals(False) # Drop the column(s) selected by the user. self._data.drop(columns=to_drop, inplace=True) # Update the options in the drop-column selection list and display the table again. self.update_dropCol_options() self._model = TableModel(self._data.reset_index(inplace=False)) self._table.setModel(self._model)