Source code for ptrail.features.temporal_features

    | 1. The temporal_features module contains all the features of the library
         that calculates several features based on the DateTime provided in
         the data.
    | 2. It is to be noted that most of the functions in this module
         calculate the features and then add the results to an entirely new
         column with a new column header.
    | 3. It is to be also noted that a lot of these features are inspired from
         the PyMove library and we are crediting the PyMove creators with them.

    | Authors: Yaksh J Haranwala, Salman Haidri

        Arina De Jesus Amador Monteiro Sanches. “Uma Arquitetura E Imple-menta ̧c ̃ao Do M ́odulo De
        Pr ́e-processamento Para Biblioteca Pymove”.Bachelor’s thesis. Universidade Federal Do Cear ́a, 2019
import itertools
import multiprocessing
from typing import Optional, Text

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ptrail.core.TrajectoryDF import PTRAILDataFrame
from ptrail.features.helper_functions import Helpers as helpers
from ptrail.utilities import constants as const

[docs]class TemporalFeatures:
[docs] @staticmethod def create_date_column(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame): """ From the DateTime column already present in the data, extract only the date and then add another column containing just the date. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The PTRAILDataFrame Dataframe on which the creation of the time column is to be done. Returns ------- PTRAILDataFrame: The dataframe containing the resultant Date column. """ df = dataframe.reset_index() # From the DateTime value extract the dates and store them in Date column df['Date'] = df[const.DateTime] # Return the dataframe by converting it to PTRAILDataFrame return PTRAILDataFrame(df.reset_index(drop=True), const.LAT, const.LONG, const.DateTime, const.TRAJECTORY_ID)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_time_column(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame): """ From the DateTime column already present in the data, extract only the time and then add another column containing just the time. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The PTRAILDataFrame Dataframe on which the creation of the time column is to be done. Returns ------- PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe containing the resultant Time column. """ dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # From the DateTime column extract the time and store them in the Time column dataframe['Time'] = dataframe[const.DateTime].dt.time # Return the dataframe by converting it into PTRAILDataFrame type return PTRAILDataFrame(dataframe, const.LAT, const.LONG, const.DateTime, const.TRAJECTORY_ID)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_day_of_week_column(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame): """ Create a column called Day_Of_Week which contains the day of the week on which the trajectory point is recorded. This is calculated on the basis of timestamp recorded in the data. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe containing the entire data on which the operation is to be performed Returns ------- PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe containing the resultant Day_of_week column. """ dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # From the DateTime column extract the time and store them in the Time column dataframe['Day_Of_Week'] = dataframe[const.DateTime].dt.day_name() # Return the dataframe by converting it into PTRAILDataFrame type return PTRAILDataFrame(dataframe, const.LAT, const.LONG, const.DateTime, const.TRAJECTORY_ID)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_weekend_indicator_column(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame): """ Create a column called Weekend which indicates whether the point data is collected on either a Saturday or a Sunday. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe on which the operation is to be performed. Returns ------- PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe containing the resultant Weekend column. References ---------- Arina De Jesus Amador Monteiro Sanches. 'Uma Arquitetura E Imple-menta ̧c ̃ao Do M ́odulo De Pr ́e-processamento Para Biblioteca Pymove'.Bachelor’s thesis. Universidade Federal Do Cear ́a, 2019. """ # Check if Day_of_Week column is present in the dataframe if 'Day_Of_Week' in dataframe.columns: dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # store the weekend days in a series fd = np.logical_or(dataframe['Day_Of_Week'] == const.WEEKEND[0], dataframe['Day_Of_Week'] == const.WEEKEND[1]) # store the index of the weekends index_fd = dataframe[fd].index # initialize the Weekend column with False and then update all the indexes which # indicates that it's a weekend dataframe['Weekend'] = False[index_fd, 'Weekend'] = True # Return the dataframe by converting it into PTRAILDataFrame else: # If the dataframe does not contain the Day_Of_Week column already, # then call the method and create the column. dataframe = TemporalFeatures.create_day_of_week_column(dataframe) dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # store the weekend days in a series fd = np.logical_or(dataframe['Day_Of_Week'] == const.WEEKEND[0], dataframe['Day_Of_Week'] == const.WEEKEND[1]) # store the index of the weekends index_fd = dataframe[fd].index # initialize the Weekend column with False and then update all the indexes which # indicates that it's a weekend dataframe['Weekend'] = False[index_fd, 'Weekend'] = True # Return the dataframe by converting it into PTRAILDataFrame return PTRAILDataFrame(dataframe, const.LAT, const.LONG, const.DateTime, const.TRAJECTORY_ID)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_time_of_day_column(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame): """ Create a Time_Of_Day column in the dataframe using parallelization which indicates at what time of the day was the point data captured. Note: The divisions of the day based on the time are provided in the utilities.constants module. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe on which the calculation is to be done. Returns ------- PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe containing the resultant Time_Of_Day column. References ---------- Arina De Jesus Amador Monteiro Sanches. 'Uma Arquitetura E Imple-menta ̧c ̃ao Do M ́odulo De Pr ́e-processamento Para Biblioteca Pymove'.Bachelor’s thesis. Universidade Federal Do Cear ́a, 2019. """ dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() # Extract the hours from the Datetime column and then create a list of conditions for the # different periods of time hours = dataframe[const.DateTime].dt.hour conditions = [ (hours >= 0) & (hours <= 4), (hours > 4) & (hours <= 8), (hours > 8) & (hours <= 12), (hours > 12) & (hours <= 16), (hours > 16) & (hours <= 20), (hours > 20) & (hours <= 24) ] # Map the conditions to the different periods of the day dataframe['Time_Of_Day'] =, const.TIME_OF_DAY) return PTRAILDataFrame(dataframe, const.LAT, const.LONG, const.DateTime, const.TRAJECTORY_ID)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_traj_duration(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame, traj_id: Optional[Text] = None): """ Accessor method for the duration of a trajectory specified by the user. Note ---- If no trajectory ID is given by the user, then the duration of each unique trajectory is calculated. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe containing the resultant column if inplace is True. traj_id: Optional[Text] The trajectory id for which the duration is required. Returns ------- pandas.TimeDelta: The trajectory duration. pandas.core.dataframe.DataFrame: The dataframe containing the duration of all trajectories in the dataset. """ dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() if traj_id is None: ids_ = dataframe[const.TRAJECTORY_ID].value_counts(ascending=True).keys().to_list() split_factor = helpers._get_partition_size(len(ids_)) ids_ = [ids_[i: i + split_factor] for i in range(0, len(ids_), split_factor)] mp_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(ids_)) results = mp_pool.starmap(helpers.traj_duration_helper, zip(itertools.repeat(dataframe), ids_)) mp_pool.close() mp_pool.join() results = pd.concat(results).sort_values(const.TRAJECTORY_ID) return results else: small = dataframe.loc[dataframe[const.TRAJECTORY_ID] == traj_id, [const.DateTime]] if len(small) == 0: return f"No {traj_id} exists in the given data. Please try again." else: return small.max() - small.min()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_start_time(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame, traj_id: Optional[Text] = None): """ Get the starting time of the trajectory. Note ---- If the trajectory ID is not specified by the user, then by default, the starting times of all the trajectory IDs in the data are returned. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe on which the operations are to be performed. traj_id: Optional[Text] The trajectory for which the start time is required. Returns ------- pandas.DateTime: The start time of a single trajectory. pandas.core.dataframe.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing the start time of all the trajectories present in the data when the user hasn't asked for a particular trajectory's start time. """ dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() if traj_id is None: # First, create a list containing all the ids of the data and then further divide that # list items and split it into sub-lists of 100 ids each if there are more than 100 ids. ids_ = dataframe[const.TRAJECTORY_ID].value_counts(ascending=True).keys().to_list() # Get the ideal number of IDs by which the dataframe is to be split. split_factor = helpers._get_partition_size(len(ids_)) ids_ = [ids_[i: i + split_factor] for i in range(0, len(ids_), split_factor)] # Now, create a multiprocessing pool and then run processes in parallel # which calculate the start times for a smaller set of IDs only. mp_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(ids_)) results = mp_pool.starmap(helpers.start_time_helper, zip(itertools.repeat(dataframe), ids_)) mp_pool.close() mp_pool.join() # Concatenate all the smaller dataframes and return the answer. results = pd.concat(results).sort_values(const.TRAJECTORY_ID) return results else: filt = dataframe.loc[dataframe[const.TRAJECTORY_ID] == traj_id] filt_two = filt.loc[filt[const.DateTime] == filt[const.DateTime].min()] return filt_two[const.DateTime].iloc[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_end_time(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame, traj_id: Optional[Text] = None): """ Get the ending time of the trajectory. Note ---- If the trajectory ID is not specified by the user, then by default, the ending times of all the trajectory IDs in the data are returned. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe on which the operations are to be performed. traj_id: Optional[Text] The trajectory for which the end time is required. Returns ------- pandas.DateTime: The end time of a single trajectory. pandas.core.dataframe.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing the end time of all the trajectories present in the data when the user hasn't asked for a particular trajectory's end time. """ dataframe = dataframe.reset_index() if traj_id is None: # First, create a list containing all the ids of the data and then further divide that # list items and split it into sub-lists of 100 ids each if there are more than 100 ids. ids_ = dataframe[const.TRAJECTORY_ID].value_counts(ascending=True).keys().to_list() # Get the ideal number of IDs by which the dataframe is to be split. split_factor = helpers._get_partition_size(len(ids_)) ids_ = [ids_[i: i + split_factor] for i in range(0, len(ids_), split_factor)] # Now, create a multiprocessing pool and then run processes in parallel # which calculate the end times for a smaller set of IDs only. mp_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(ids_)) results = mp_pool.starmap(helpers.end_time_helper, zip(itertools.repeat(dataframe), ids_)) mp_pool.close() mp_pool.join() # Concatenate all the smaller dataframes and return the answer. results = pd.concat(results).sort_values(const.TRAJECTORY_ID) return results else: filt = dataframe.loc[dataframe[const.TRAJECTORY_ID] == traj_id] filt_two = filt.loc[filt[const.DateTime] == filt[const.DateTime].max()] return filt_two[const.DateTime].iloc[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_temporal_features(dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame): """ Generate all the temporal features with a single call of this function. Parameters ---------- dataframe: PTRAILDataFrame The dataframe on which the features are to be generated. Returns ------- PTRAILDataFrame: The dataframe enriched with Temporal Features. """ to_return = TemporalFeatures.create_date_column(dataframe) to_return = TemporalFeatures.create_time_column(to_return) to_return = TemporalFeatures.create_day_of_week_column(to_return) to_return = TemporalFeatures.create_weekend_indicator_column(to_return) to_return = TemporalFeatures.create_time_of_day_column(to_return) return to_return