Source code for ptrail.visualization.HydrationTrends

    This File contains the visualization that is a Radar Scatter plot showing how many
    number of days around each Running Water Body has an individual element spent. It
    is an interactive visualization as such the user can change the water body and check
    the distribution of animals around it.

        The visualizations in this module are currently developed with a focus around the
        starkey.csv data as it has been developed as a side project by the developers. It
        will further be integrated into the library as a general class of visualizers in
        the time to come. Some of the visualization types may or may not work with other

    | Authors: Yaksh J Haranwala
import pandas as pd
from IPython.core.display import display
from ipywidgets import widgets, AppLayout
from ptrail.core.TrajectoryDF import PTRAILDataFrame

from ptrail.features.temporal_features import TemporalFeatures as temp
from ptrail.preprocessing.filters import Filters as filt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import as px

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

[docs]class HydrationTrends: # Class variables to store datasets and the widget. __habitat_data = None __traj_data = None __point_dict = None __list = None @staticmethod def __plot_radar(body_name): # Get the water body data by its name. point = HydrationTrends.__point_dict[body_name] # Filter the trajectory dataset by the water body. dataset = filt.filter_by_bounding_box(HydrationTrends.__traj_data, point['bbox']) small_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['traj_id', 'days', 'Species']).set_index('traj_id') ids_ = dataset.reset_index()['traj_id'].unique() for j in range(len(ids_)): mini = dataset.reset_index().loc[dataset.reset_index()['traj_id'] == ids_[j]] if 'D' in ids_[j]: small_df.loc[ids_[j]] = [pd.to_datetime(mini.Date).nunique(), 'Deer'] elif 'E' in ids_[j]: small_df.loc[ids_[j]] = [pd.to_datetime(mini.Date).nunique(), 'Elk'] else: small_df.loc[ids_[j]] = [pd.to_datetime(mini.Date).nunique(), 'Cattle'] fig1 = px.scatter_polar(small_df, r='days', color='Species', title=f'Number of Days Spent Around {body_name}', template="ggplot2", color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Vivid, ) fig1.update_layout( polar=dict( radialaxis=dict(visible=True), ), title=dict( font={'size': 13} ), margin=dict(l=20, r=20, t=30, b=20), autosize=False, width=540, height=280, paper_bgcolor="Gainsboro", ) fig1.update_polars( angularaxis_tickmode='array', angularaxis_tickvals=[0, 90, 180, 270], angularaxis_ticktext=['', '', '', ''], ) @staticmethod def __plot_bar(body_name): # Get the water body data by its name. point = HydrationTrends.__point_dict[body_name] # Filter the trajectory dataset by the water body. dataset = filt.filter_by_bounding_box(HydrationTrends.__traj_data, point['bbox']) new_species = [] for i in range(len(dataset)): if dataset['Species'].iloc[i] == 0: new_species.append('Deer') elif dataset['Species'].iloc[i] == 1: new_species.append('Elk') else: new_species.append('Cattle') dataset['Species'] = new_species # Order the dataset according to the times of day. small_df = dataset.groupby(by=['Time_Of_Day', 'Species']).count().reset_index() times = ['Early Morning', 'Morning', 'Noon', 'Evening', 'Night', 'Late Night'] small_df['Time_Of_Day'] = pd.Categorical(small_df['Time_Of_Day'], categories=times, ordered=True) small_df = small_df.sort_values(by='Time_Of_Day', ascending=True) # Plot the barplot from the data above. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) sns.barplot(x='Time_Of_Day', y='lat', hue='Species', hue_order=['Deer', 'Elk', 'Cattle'], data=small_df, ax=ax) # Set the description of the text. fig.text(-0.4, 0.5, f"{body_name} Description\n\n" f"Pasture Name: {point['CowPast']}\n" f"Coordinates: {round(point['lat'], 2), round(point['lon'], 2)} \n" f"Elevation: {point['Elev']} m \n" f"Canopy Cover: {point['Canopy']}%" , fontdict={'size': 13}) fig.set_facecolor('lightgray') ax.set_xlabel('TIME OF THE DAY') ax.set_ylabel('NUMBER OS TIMES VISITED') ax.set_title('Hydration trend of Species throughout the day') fig.tight_layout()