Source code for ptrail.visualization.TrajPlotter

    This File contains TrajectoryPlotter for the Starkey dataset. An interactive experience
    is added to this plot in order to view the trajectory of an individual or multiple animals

        The visualizations in this module are currently developed with a focus around the
        starkey.csv data as it has been developed as a side project by the developers. It
        will further be integrated into the library as a general class of visualizers in
        the time to come.

    | Authors: Yaksh J Haranwala
import random
import folium

import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.core.display import display

from ptrail.core.TrajectoryDF import PTRAILDataFrame
import ptrail.utilities.constants as const

[docs]class TrajectoryPlotter: # Class variables to handle the ipywidgets. _dataset = None _weight = None _opacity = None _selector = None _animal = None @staticmethod def _create_multi_select(dataset, animal): """ Create the multiple selection widget. Parameters ---------- dataset: PTRAILDataFrame The dataset from which the IDs are to be selected. animal: str The animal for which the list is to be presented. Returns ------- ipywidgets.widgets.SelectMultiple Multiple selection widget. """ dataset = dataset.reset_index() # Select the animal based on the parameter passed. to_select = None if animal.lower() == 'deer': to_select = dataset.loc[dataset.Species == 0, 'traj_id'].unique() elif animal.lower() == 'elk': to_select = dataset.loc[dataset.Species == 1, 'traj_id'].unique() elif animal.lower() == 'cattle': to_select = dataset.loc[dataset.Species == 2, 'traj_id'].unique() # Create the multi select widget and return it. ids_ = widgets.SelectMultiple(options=to_select, value=(to_select[0], ), description="Trajectory ID: ", disabled=False) return ids_ @staticmethod def _create_radio(value="Cattle"): """ Create the radio button for selecting the animal. Returns ------- ipywidgets.widget.RadioButtons The Radio button for selecting the animal. """ radio = widgets.RadioButtons(options=['Cattle', 'Deer', 'Elk'], value=value, description='Animal: ', disabled=False) return radio @staticmethod def _filter_dataset(dataset, _id): """ Filter the dataset based on the ids given by the method below. Parameters ---------- dataset: PTRAILDataFrame The dataset from which the data is to be filtered. _id: tuple The tuple containing the IDs that are required. Return ------ PTRAILDataFrame The filtered dataframe. """ filtered_df = dataset.reset_index().loc[dataset.reset_index()['traj_id'].isin(_id)] return PTRAILDataFrame(filtered_df.reset_index(), const.LAT, const.LONG, const.DateTime, const.TRAJECTORY_ID) @staticmethod def _plot(value): """ Show the folium map and plot the trajectories on it. Parameters ---------- value: ipywidgets.widget.MultiSelect The Trajectory selector. Returns ------- None """ # Register the observer for the animal radio buttons. TrajectoryPlotter._animal.observe(TrajectoryPlotter._animal_observe, names="value") # Filter the dataset according the values of the widgets above. dataset = TrajectoryPlotter._filter_dataset(TrajectoryPlotter._dataset, value) # The southwest and northeast bounds. sw = dataset[['lat', 'lon']].min().values.tolist() ne = dataset[['lat', 'lon']].max().values.tolist() # Create a map with the initial point. map_ = folium.Map(location=(dataset.latitude[0], dataset.longitude[0]), disable_3d=True, zoom_start=True) ids_ = list(dataset.traj_id.value_counts().keys()) colors = ["#" + ''.join([random.choice('123456789BCDEF') for j in range(6)]) for i in range(len(ids_))] for i in range(len(ids_)): # First, filter out the smaller dataframe. small_df = dataset.reset_index().loc[dataset.reset_index()[const.TRAJECTORY_ID] == ids_[i], [const.LAT, const.LONG]] # Then, create (lat, lon) pairs for the data points. locations = [] for j in range(len(small_df)): locations.append((small_df['lat'].iloc[j], small_df['lon'].iloc[j])) # Create text frame. iframe = folium.IFrame(f'<font size="1px">Trajectory ID: {ids_[i]} ' + '<br>' + f'Latitude: {locations[0][0]}' + '<br>' + f'Longitude: {locations[0][1]} </font>') # Create start and end markers for the trajectory. popup = folium.Popup(iframe, min_width=180, max_width=200, max_height=75) folium.Marker([small_df['lat'].iloc[0], small_df['lon'].iloc[0]], color='green', popup=popup, marker_color='green', icon=folium.Icon(icon_color='green', icon='circle', prefix='fa')).add_to(map_) # Create text frame. iframe = folium.IFrame(f'<font size="1px">Trajectory ID: {ids_[i]} ' + '<br>' + f'Latitude: {locations[0][0]}' + '<br>' + f'Longitude: {locations[0][1]} </font>') # Create start and end markers for the trajectory. popup = folium.Popup(iframe, min_width=180, max_width=200, max_height=75) folium.Marker([small_df['lat'].iloc[-1], small_df['lon'].iloc[-1]], color='green', popup=popup, marker_color='red', icon=folium.Icon(icon_color='red', icon='circle', prefix='fa')).add_to(map_) # Add trajectory to map. folium.PolyLine(locations, color=colors[i], weight=TrajectoryPlotter._weight, opacity=TrajectoryPlotter._opacity).add_to(map_) # Fit the map within its bounds and return it. map_.fit_bounds([sw, ne]) display(map_) @staticmethod def _animal_observe(change): """ This is the observer that changes the multi selection list when the value of the Animal radio button is changed. Parameters ---------- change: dict The dictionary that contains the new and old values of the radio button. Returns ------- None """ to_select = None if change['new'].lower() == 'deer': to_select = TrajectoryPlotter._dataset.reset_index().loc[ TrajectoryPlotter._dataset.reset_index().Species == 0, 'traj_id'].unique() elif change['new'].lower() == 'elk': to_select = TrajectoryPlotter._dataset.reset_index().loc[ TrajectoryPlotter._dataset.reset_index().Species == 1, 'traj_id'].unique() elif change['new'].lower() == 'cattle': to_select = TrajectoryPlotter._dataset.reset_index().loc[ TrajectoryPlotter._dataset.reset_index().Species == 2, 'traj_id'].unique() # Based on the new selection, modify the options of the MultiSelector. TrajectoryPlotter._selector.options = to_select # Also, modify the value of the MultiSelector. # WARNING: Do not remove the comma since teh value expects a tuple! TrajectoryPlotter._selector.value = to_select[0],
[docs] @staticmethod def show_trajectories(dataset, weight: float = 3, opacity: float = 0.8): """ Use folium to plot the trajectory on a map. Parameters ---------- dataset: weight: float The weight of the trajectory line on the map. opacity: float The opacity of the trajectory line on the map. Returns ------- folium.folium.Map The map with plotted trajectory. """ # Set the dataset, weight and opacity as the class variables. TrajectoryPlotter._dataset = dataset TrajectoryPlotter._weight = weight TrajectoryPlotter._opacity = opacity # Create the radio button. TrajectoryPlotter._animal = TrajectoryPlotter._create_radio() # Create the multi selection button. TrajectoryPlotter._selector = TrajectoryPlotter._create_multi_select(TrajectoryPlotter._dataset, TrajectoryPlotter._animal.value) # Create the widgets. ie = widgets.interactive_output(TrajectoryPlotter._plot, {'value': TrajectoryPlotter._selector}) # Display the multi selector and the radio buttons next to each other. display(widgets.HBox([TrajectoryPlotter._animal, TrajectoryPlotter._selector]), ie)